President Obama to start program to provide lawyers to children facing deportation – since October, more than 47,000 children traveling without parents (unaccompanied minor) have been caught trying to cross the southwest border. There are a few options available for an immigration lawyer for children facing deportation:
Immigration Options for Unaccompanied Minor Immigrant Child – Asylum
You may apply for asylum as an unaccompanied minor if you:
- Are under 18 years old;
- Have no parent or legal guardian in the United States available to provide care and physical custody.
Asylum officers will decide your case if you are in immigration court proceedings or filed your application with an asylum office. You must attend your immigration court hearings and should follow the Immigration Judge’s instructions.
Immigration Options for Unaccompanied Minor Immigrant Child – Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) Status
To be eligible for SIJ status:
- You must be under 21 years old on the filing date of the Special Immigrant Juvenile Application
- Your state court order must be in effect on the filing date of the Special Immigrant Juvenile Application and when USCIS makes a decision on your application, unless you “aged out” of the state court’s jurisdiction due to no fault of your own
- You cannot be married, both when you file your application and when USCIS makes a decision on your application
For more information, email or call 1-877-GAIL-LAW or 407-292-7730.
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