U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced a proposed rule to deter aliens from illegally entering the United States and from filing frivolous, fraudulent or otherwise non-meritorious asylum applications to obtain…
The Trump Administration announced rules that migrants coming from Central America who have passed through other countries en route to the U.S. border will no longer be able to make a claim for…
Fiscal year 2018 broke records for the number of decisions (42,224) by immigration judges granting or denying asylum. Denials grew faster than grants, pushing denial rates up as well. The…
Trump administration enacted an interim immigration rule effective midnight November 9, 2018 and for the next 90 days, that invoke national security powers to prevent asylum seekers from entering the…
Asylum seekers can no longer seek asylum in the U.S. citing fears of domestic abuse, gang violence or fear as a LGBTQ individual . On June 11, 2018, U.S. Attorney…
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today that the agency will schedule asylum interviews for recent applications ahead of older filings, in an attempt to stem the growth of…
President Obama to start program to provide lawyers to children facing deportation – since October, more than 47,000 children traveling without parents (unaccompanied minor) have been caught trying to cross…