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TSA (Transportation Security Administration) has created a new secret watch list also known as a “95 list” to monitor people who may be targeted as potential threats at airport checkpoints.  “While people on the list are not necessarily subject to additional scrutiny, it seems likely that agents would single them out for additional attention, and there is no way to get off the list,” said Faiza Patel, a director of the Liberty and National Security Program at New York University’s Brennan Center for Justice.

Federal security directors, top TSA. security officials at airports and top Air Marshals supervisors can nominate individuals to be put on the watch list. Only the TSA administrator, his deputy and the top two officials at the agency’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis may add or remove people from the database

Individuals can be placed on the “95 list” for the following:

  • they have swatted away security screeners’ hands;
  • appeared unruly;
  • their actions pose physical danger to security screeners;
  • people who loiter suspiciously near security checkpoints;
  • people who present “challenges to the safe and effective completion of screening”

So far, the names of fewer than 50 people have been put on the watch list, said Kelly Wheaton, a TSA deputy chief counsel.  However, there are no clear instructions or directives that specify how members of the public can appeal being included on the list.

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