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“The bottom line here is that the President believes we should have a merit-based system of immigration in this country,” the first official told CNN.  Today, Trump was joined by Republican Sens. David Perdue and Tom Cotton at the White House to discuss introduction of a new bill that looks to stop legal immigration into the United States by proposing a skills-based immigration system and reduce family-based immigration.

The bill cut back on what’s referred to as “chain migration,” ways of families immigrating to the United States that are based on family relationship and not based on skills. The bill would limit the types of family members of immigrants that can also be brought to the US to primarily spouses and minor children, would eliminate the international diversity visa lottery and limit the number of annual refugee admissions.

Don’t be fooled by arguments made by supporters of this legislation: there’s nothing smart or “merit-based” about this extremist proposal. If passed, this bill will hurt our economy and most importantly, it will prevent grandparents, mothers, fathers, and siblings from being able to legally reunite with their family members here in the U.S., reversing nearly a century of well-established policy that recognizes the value of keeping families together.

“What I’d like to do is a comprehensive immigration plan,” Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One in July. “But our country and political forces are not ready yet.”

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