Hillary Clinton Candidate for President Immigration Views – According to New York Times, Hillary Clinton supports President Obama’s decision to use his executive powers to reshape the nation’s immigration policy, saying it was needed “to begin fixing our broken immigration system and focus finite resources on deporting felons rather than families.” CLICK HERE to watch video announcing Hillary’s candidacy for President.
Hillary Clinton Candidate for President Immigration views can further be seen in her video announcing she in the race for President. The video features multiple immigrants from various socio-economic backgrounds. This would be Hillary Clinton second candidacy for President. Hillary Clinton Candidate for President Immigration is one of several issues she strongly supports and is expected to be favor by the immigrant voter. Hillary Clinton very low key announcement through a video verses a large scale staged arena filled with people indicates the type of campaign she will probably run for the 2016 Presidential bid.
Hillary Clinton Candidate for President Immigration views will be scrutinized but she is already the front-runner for President with her announcement to enter the Presidential race.
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