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January 20, 2021 – In his first official act, President Biden signed executive orders that rolled back partially Trump’s attack on immigration and immigrants.  Biden’s immigration executive orders ended the Trump era Muslim travel ban, preserve DACA, end the southern border wall construction, halt deportations for 100 days and expand census to include undocumented immigrants.

1. Preserve DACA

President Biden signed an executive order to preserve the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which has shielded hundreds of thousands of people who came to the country as young children from deportation since it was introduced in 2012.

Trump ordered an end to DACA in 2017, triggering a legal challenge that ended in June 2020 when the Supreme Court ruled that DACA termination was illegal because the Trump administration failed to follow federal rule-making guidelines in undoing it.

In his presidential proclamation, Biden is calling on Congress to adopt legislation that gives DACA recipients permanent legal status and a path to citizenship. There are currently about 700,000 people enrolled.


2. End to Muslim Travel Ban

Biden Immigration Executive Order ends ban on Muslim travelers: Biden is ending what is variously known as the “travel ban” or the “Muslim ban,” one of the first acts of the Trump administration. Trump in January 2017 banned foreign nationals from seven mostly Muslim countries from entry into the country. After a lengthy court fight, a watered-down version of the rule was upheld by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision in 2018.  So, there is no longer a travel ban on visitors from Syria, Iran Libya, Somalia or Yemen.

The new administration says it will improve the screening of visitors by strengthening information sharing with foreign governments and other measures.

3. End to Border wall construction

Biden Immigration Executive Order ends the national emergency that Trump declared on the border in February 2018 to divert billions of dollars from the Defense Department to wall construction. He also is halting construction to review contracts and how wall money might be redirected.

The Supreme Court has scheduled arguments Feb. 22 on the legality of Trump’s diverting Defense Department funds for counter-narcotics efforts and military construction projects to wall construction.

4. Halt Deportations for 100 Days

Biden is revoking one of Trump’s first executive orders, which declared that all of the roughly 11 million people in the country illegally are considered priorities for deportation. The Department of Homeland Security will conduct a review of enforcement priorities. Biden’s campaign site says deportations will focus on national security and public safety threats.

The Department of Homeland Security published a memo stating all deportation are halted for 100 days starting January 22, 2021 to ensure resources are directed to the highest priorities and review immigration and asylum processing.

5. Expand Census

Biden Immigration Executive Order reverses a Trump plan to exclude people in the country illegally from being counted in the 2020 Census. The once-a-decade census is used to determine how many congressional seats and Electoral College votes each state gets, as well as the distribution of $1.5 trillion in federal spending each year.

Biden’s team says the new administration will ensure the Census Bureau has time to complete an accurate count for each state and that the apportionment is “fair and accurate.”

For more information on Biden Immigration Executive Order,

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