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Early in the Trump Presidency, executive orders were signed banning travel to the U.S. if you were from certain muslim countries.  Ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court approved Trump Travel Ban 3.0 on June 26, 2018 and the countries effected are listed below.

On January 31, 2020, the Trump Administration expanded the Travel Ban by adding another 6 countries in Africa and Asia (see chart below). The expanded Travel Ban went into effect on February 21, 2020.

Below is a chart which identifies who is affected by the both Travel Bans (updated 01/31/2020):

       Country Nonimmigrant Visas  Immigrant and Diversity
Iran No nonimmigrant visas except F, J and M visas No immigrant or diversity visas
Libya No B-1/B-2 entries, and B-1/B-2 visas No immigrant or diversity visas
No nonimmigrant visas No immigrant or diversity visas
Syria No nonimmigrant visas No immigrant or diversity visas
Venezuela No B-1, B-2 or B-1/B-2 visas of any kind for officials of the following government agencies Ministry of Interior, Justice, and Peace; the Administrative Service of Identification, Migration, and Immigration; the Corps of Scientific Investigations, Judicial and Criminal; the Bolivarian Intelligence Service; and the People’s Power Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and their immediate family members. No restrictions
Yemen No B-1/B-2 entries, and B-1/B-2 visas No immigrant or diversity visas
Somalia No immigrant or diversity visas
Eritrea No immigrant or diversity visas except as special immigrants whose eligibility is based on having provided assistance to the US Government
Kyrgyzstan No immigrant or diversity visas except as special immigrants whose eligibility is based on having provided assistance to the US Government
Myanmar (Burma) No immigrant or diversity visas except as special immigrants whose eligibility is based on having provided assistance to the US Government
Nigeria No immigrant or diversity visas except as special immigrants whose eligibility is based on having provided assistance to the US Government
Sudan No diversity visas
Tanzania No diversity visas

For more information on Travel Ban,

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