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The EB2 Visa is a special type of permanent work visa for immigrants. Also referred to as the Advanced-Degree Holders and Aliens of Exceptional Ability Visa, the EB2 is open only to individuals in certain professions.

Applicants are categorized as either “Professionals Holding Advanced Degrees” or “Persons of Exceptional Ability.”   

Criteria for the EB2 Visa

To qualify for an EB2 Visa you must have:

  • An Advanced Degree, An Exceptional Ability, or a National Interest Waiver.

Advanced Degree Requirements: The job that you apply for must require an advanced degree and you must possess such a degree or its equivalent.

Exceptional Ability Requirements: You must be able to show exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, or business. Exceptional ability means “a degree of expertise significantly above that ordinarily encountered in the sciences, arts, or business.”

National Interest Waiver: You may qualify for a National Interest Waiver if you can demonstrate that you have both exceptional ability and that your filling of the job is in the best interest of the United States. Best interests may impact the national economy, cultural interests, educational interests, or U.S. welfare.

Once you have met one of the above criteria, you must also:

  • Have a sponsoring employer.
  • Have the employer file a Petition for Alien Worker for you.
  • Have a labor certification approved by the Department of Labor.

Not Sure if You Qualify? Arrange a Free Consultation With Our Orlando Immigration Attorney

If you are not sure if you qualify for the EB2 Visa, contact the Law Offices of Gail Seeram. Gail is an Orlando immigration attorney who can help you understand the EB2 Visa requirements and even help submit your application.

If you don’t qualify for the EB2 Visa, she can help you explore other work visa options.

Contact Orlando immigration attorney Gail Seeram at 1 (407) 292-7730 to arrange a free consultation.